Website Accessibility Feedback

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We’re currently in the process of further developing our website to meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.

While our site meets many of the guidelines already, we are continually working on improving the accessibility. Standards such as color contrast, larger text options, alt tags, easy navigation, transcripts and/or subtitles for all audio and visual content are already in place. Yet we are working to do more.

As we continue to strive toward making our site’s information accessible by any tools website visitors may use, we ask that you help us. In the form below, please submit any feedback you have that can help us improve web accessibility.

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    Metal dining set for 4 people consists of 4 chairs and 1 rectangular table in destressed antique white finish decorated with 2 clear vases with flowers
    A set of three metal pumpkin Halloween lanterns in three different shapes
    27 Inch tall iron bobble head Frankenstein figurine candy jar in black coat, boots and red bowtie
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